International Exchange and Collaboration

International Exchange and Collaboration

The Key Laboratory has a good foundation and atmosphere for international cooperation. It has carried out academic exchanges and mutual collaboration with more than ten countries and regions including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and Canada in the international frontier scientific and professional fields. In the past five years:

  • Backbone faculty members of the Key Laboratory have made exchange visits to foreign universities for more than 50 times, including Boston University, Cornell University, University of Cambridge, The University of Sheffield, Florence University, University of Alberta, The University of New South Wales, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Nanyang Technological University, Hong Kong University and so on.

  • The Key Laboratory has invited foreign experts and scholars from the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Australia, Canada, and Hong Kong to come and carry out exchange visit for over 120 times. They delivered academic frontier lectures, short-term courses, and provided tutorship to young backbone faculty members and post graduate students.

  • 53 postgraduate students from the Key Laboratory have gone abroad for study and exchange at universities including Delaware University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Purdue University, Brown University, University of Sheffield, McMaster University, Malardalen University, Brussels University, Lubeck University of Applied Sciences, and the University of Hong Kong.

  • Researchers and students have participated in important academic conferences at home and abroad for more than 200 times, including: IFAC symposium, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Asian Control Conference, IEEE series of annual academic conferences, Chinese Control Conference and so on.

  • More than 30 special-guest presentations have been made at international academic conferences by the members of the Key Laboratory. For example, Academician Qian Feng gave a guest report entitled Smart Manufacturing Process in Process Industry at an international conference of smart manufacturing, and Professor Du Wenli gave the report entitled Integrated Optimization of Chemical Processes and Industrial Applications at Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering.