Lecture Series by Prof. Pedro M. Castro, University of Lisbon, Portugal

SubjectLecture Series by Prof. Pedro M. Castro, University of Lisbon, Portugal

PlaceRoom 307, Laboratory Building  No. 19



    Pedro Castro is an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. From 2014 to 2022, he was a Principal Investigator in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of the Faculty of Sciences.

    Professor Castro's research interests are at the interface between Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Operations Research, known as Process Systems Engineering. He has authored more than 80 ISI-indexed journal articles and two book chapters. He is currently a senior member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. A study by Stanford University listed him in 2022 as One of the World's top 2% Scientists in the subject field of Chemical Engineering.

Report 1:Optimization Models for Scheduling in the Process & Petroleum Industries

Time:15:00-17:00 p.m., 3rd Jul., 2023

Report 2:Generalized Disjunctive Programming or the Art of Modelling with Binary Variables, Part I

Time:09:00-11:30 a.m., 4th Jul., 2023

Report 3:Generalized Disjunctive Programming or the Art of Modelling with Binary Variables, Part II

Time:09:00-11:30 a.m., 5th Jul., 2023

Report 4:Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Problems

Time:09:00-11:30 a.m.,  6th Jul., 2023

网页发布时间: 2023-06-29