2019 Shanghai Universities International Young Scholars Forum "Control Science and Engineering"

    From March 23rd to 24th, the sub-forum of Control Science and Engineering of International Young Scholars Forum of Shanghai Universities and the sub-forum of Hui Xian International Young Scholars Forum of East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in the field of information were held in our university. The forum was sponsored by Personnel Department, School of Information Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Advanced Control and Optimization Technology of Chemical Processes under the Ministry of Education.

    The opening ceremony of the forum was hosted by Du Wenli, dean of the School of Information. At the opening ceremony, Vice President Liu Changsheng, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Li Yongzhi, and Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Information Shui Hongbo delivered speeches, respectively. Liu Changsheng expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the participating young scholars from all over the world, and briefly introduced the history and philosophy of East China University of Science and Technology. He pointed out that the university is now comprehensively promoting the construction of double first-class, unprecedented opportunities for the majority of young talents to provide a broad stage for the display of their talents, and is very welcome to the young scholars to come to the university and the university to develop together. Li Yongzhi at the meeting introduced the Shanghai University Young Talent Saving Project and Shanghai's relevant talent policies. He pointed out that Shanghai will actively build an ecosystem of attracting, attracting, selecting and nurturing talents, establish an ecosystem of first-class disciplines and peak and plateau disciplines to collaborate with each other, and build an internationalized and high-level platform for the introduction of talents and cooperation and exchanges, so as to accelerate the construction of Shanghai into the five centers and a global city of excellence. Prof. Shi Hongbo introduced the history, scientific research, faculty building and talent cultivation of the School of Information. He hoped to take this opportunity to set up a platform for overseas young talents to exchange academics and display their achievements, and to promote cross-collaboration in different research directions.

    During this forum, 23 young scholars from Stanford University, University of California, San Francisco, University of New South Wales, Australia, King's College London, University College London, University of Surrey, UK, Loughborough University, UK, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, Kyoto University, Japan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Singapore Institute of Communication Research, and other renowned universities and research institutes overseas made a wonderful academic report on the international cutting-edge issues such as intelligent manufacturing, smart grid, cybersecurity, brain-machine interfaces, unmanned vehicles, computer vision and other issues, and answered the questions of the on-site audience in detail.

Photo caption: Academic presentation

    In the afternoon of the 24th, Wang Huifeng, Director of Personnel Office invited by the forum, introduced the policies related to the introduction of talents of the university and answered the questions of the participating young scholars about the policies of ECUST in various aspects. Du Wenli also introduced the overall situation of the current construction of the School of Information, and had an in-depth communication with the participating young scholars, expecting the participating young talents to join the School of Information and further accelerate the pace of the construction of first-class disciplines in the School.

Photo caption: Talent policy presentation

网页发布时间: 2019-03-26