Networked control systems under constrained bit rate

Subject: Networked control systems under constrained bit rate

Speaker: Prof. Zidong Wang

Time: 18:00-20:00pm, 6th Dec, 2020

Place:  (Tencent Meeting ID:177 264 419)


In this presentation, we talk about a few networked control systems with bit rate constraints. Some background knowledge is first introduced on limited bandwidth and constrained bit rate from the perspectives of concepts, applications and challenges. Then, some detailed discussions are given on the coding-decoding schemes that complicate the controller/filter design problems. Various performance requirements are justified and the corresponding methodologies are summarized. Challenges and progresses are discussed. Finally, we conclude our main contributions and some future directions.

About the speaker:

Zidong Wang is an IEEE Fellow and Professor of Computing at Brunel University London with research interests in intelligent data analysis, statistical signal processing as well as dynamic systems and control. He has been named as the Hottest Scientific Researcher in 2012 in the area of Big Data Analysis. He was awarded the AvH Research Fellowship in 1996 from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany, the JSPS Research Fellowship in 1998 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the William Mong Distinguished Research Fellowship in 2002 from the University of Hong Kong. Since 1997, He has published around 310 papers in prestigious international journals (including 110 papers in IEEE Transactions) with h-index 60 according to the Web of Science. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for 12 prestigious journals including 5 IEEE Transactions. His research has been funded by the EU, the Royal Society and the EPSRC.


网页发布时间: 2020-12-01