Professor Ian David Lockhart Bogle from University College London was Invited to Visit ECUST

On October 21st, 2016, Professor Ian David Lockhart Bogle from University College London, a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, was invited by ECUST to give two academic lectures, entitled “An Introduction to Process Optimization and Global Optimization of Dynamic Process Systems”. The lectures were hosted by Professor Du Wenli, the dean of the School of Information Science and Engineering, where many faculty members and graduate students of the key laboratory attended.

In the lectures, Professor Bogle first introduced several classic optimization methods based upon the background of process optimization and theory of advanced optimization. After that, he presented some applications of interval shrinkage technology in dynamic optimization, and explained the effectiveness of various shrinkage technologies in solving the actual optimization problems in chemical production. In addition, he also concluded several future research directions in the field of dynamic optimization. Professor Bogle's in-depth and vivid explanations were well-received by the faculty members and students, which deeply attracted the interests from the audiences. After the lectures, Professor Bogle had an interactive question and answer session with the faculty members and students, and gave detailed answers to the relevant questions raised by the audiences.


网页发布时间: 2016-10-22