报告题目: Robust quantised control of hybrid stochastic systems based on discrete-time state and mode observations
报 告 人:南京信息工程大学宋公飞副教授
会议链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/s/38kEIo5rQR82(腾讯会议 ID:924 508 000)
This talk considers robust quantised feedback control for hybrid stochastic systems based on discretetime state and mode observations. All of the existing results in this area design the quantised feedbackcontrol based on continuous observations of the state and mode for all time t>=0. This is the first note where we propose to use the quantised feedback control based on discrete-time observations of the stateand mode. The key reason for this is to reduce the burden of communication by using not only the quantisation(i.e. in the direction of state axis), but also discrete-time observations of state and mode (i.e. in the direction of time axis). Thus, the designed quantised feedback controllers have to be based on discrete-timestate and mode observations. Clearly, the new quantised feedback controllers are more practical and lower of cost in practice.
宋公飞,南京信息工程大学,自动化学院,副教授。2014年6月博士毕业于南京理工大学,2013年1月至4月在香港大学作为研究助理身份访学,导师为James Lam教授;2016年9月至2017年8月作为访问学者身份在英国University of Strathclye访学,导师为毛学荣教授;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、江苏省青年科学基金项目等省部级项目5项;2016年获江苏省教育科学研究成果(高校科学技术研究类)二等奖;2020年获江苏省自动化学会科学技术奖三等奖;目前主要感兴趣方向是非线性随机系统控制、量化控制、时滞系统等。