Real-Time Production Scheduling via Multi-Agent Based Modeling

报告人:康奈尔大学Fengqi You教授

时间:2018年10月5日 上午9:30-11:00



Real-Time Production Scheduling via Multi-Agent Based Modeling

Computational Methods for the Integration of Scheduling and Dynamic Optimization


尤峰崎,现任美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)终身讲席教授(Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak Professor),是康奈尔大学历史上最年轻的终身教授之一。过程能源环境系统工程研究室主任, 以及化学工程、系统工程、应用数学,和运筹与信息工程等专业博士生导师。科研方向涵盖过程工程、先进制造、能源系统、环境科学。现任Computers & Chemical Engineering副主编,AIChE Journal顾问编辑,和ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering编委。

Fengqi You is the Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak Professor at Cornell University, and is affiliated with the Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the graduate fields of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Center of Applied Mathematics, and Systems Engineering Program. He was on the faculty of Northwestern University from 2011 to 2016, and worked at Argonne National Laboratory as an Argonne Scholar from 2009 to 2011. He has published more than 120 peer-reviewed articles in leading journals, and has an h-index of 48. Some of his research results have been editorially highlighted in Science and Nature, featured on journal covers (e.g. Energy & Environmental Science, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, and Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research), and covered by major media outlets (e.g. The New York Times, BBC, BusinessWeek, and National Geographic). His recent awards include American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) W. David Smith, Jr. Publication Award (2011), Northwestern-Argonne Early Career Investigator Award (2013), National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2016), AIChE Environmental Division Early Career Award (2017), AIChE Sustainable Engineering Research Excellence Award (2017), Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) Outstanding Young Researcher Award from AIChE (2018), and ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award (2018), as well as a number of best paper awards and most-cited article recognitions. He is currently an Associate Editor of Computers & Chemical Engineering, a Consulting Editor of AIChE Journal, and an editorial board member of several leading journals (e.g. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering). His research focuses on the development of novel computational models, optimization algorithms, statistical machine learning methods, and systems analysis tools for smart manufacturing, energy systems, digital agriculture, and sustainability. For more information about his research

网页发布时间: 2018-09-30