Synthesis, design and analysis of energy efficient sustainable process alternatives

丹麦技术大学Rafiqul Gani教授的学术报告会



题目:Synthesis, design and analysis of energy efficient sustainable process alternatives


This presentation gives a brief review of the available energy sources for consumption, their effects in terms of CO2-emission and its management, and sustainable chemical processing where energy-consumption, CO2-emission, as well as economics and environmental impacts are considered. Not all available energy sources are being utilized efficiently, while, the energy source causing the largest emission of CO2 is being used in the largest amount. Most of the CO2 management initiatives are therefore looking at “curing” the problem, after it has occurred, rather than “preventing” it. A scheme for CO2-emission and its management that aims to prevent the problem is proposed. Examples highlighting the synthesis, design and analysis of sustainable chemical processing in the utilization of biomass-based energy-chemicals production, carbon-capture and utilization with zero or negative CO2-emission to produce value added chemicals as well as retrofit design of energy intensive chemical processes with significant reduction of energy-consumption are presented. These examples highlight issues of energy-sustainable design, energy-CO2 neutral design, energy-retrofit design, and energy-process intensification. Finally, some perspectives on the status and future directions of carbon dioxide management are given.


Rafiqul Gani教授,丹麦皇家科学院院士、丹麦科技大学教授,是国际著名的系统工程及过程设计专家。主要从事分子热力学模型、过程模拟与设计及系统集成方面的创新研究工作。迄今发表论文及专著400多篇,在国际会议及多所著名院校做特邀报告累计300多次,学术H影响因子高达49。

网页发布时间: 2018-04-13