Analysis and Design on Dynamical Systems with Hybrid Structure

报告题目:Analysis and Design on Dynamical Systems with Hybrid Structure

报告人:澳大利亚阿德莱德(Adelaide大学Peng Shi教授




A large class of dynamical systems has variable structures subject to deterministic or random changes, which may result from the abrupt phenomena such as component and interconnection failures, parameters shifting, tracking, and the time required to measure some of the variables at different stages. Systems with this character may be modelled as hybrid ones, that is, to the continuous state variable, a discrete variable called the mode, or operating form, is appended. The mode describes the changes or random jumps of the system parameters and the occurrence of discontinuities. On the other hand, in order to control the behaviour of a system, we should capture the system's salient features in a mathematical model. Indeed, any model of practical systems almost always contains some type of uncertainty. So the modelling and design should take into account the uncertainty inherent to a model of the system in order to maintain stability and performance specifications in the presence of these uncertainties. In this talk, the nature of hybrid dynamical systems will be explored, and some design techniques for such systems with uncertainties will be presented.  


Peng Shi教授,1994年获得澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学电机工程博士学位,现为澳大利亚阿德莱德大学杰出教授,IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, IMA Fellow, ISME Fellow。他主要从事复杂系统与先进控制理论,计算智能及运筹学等方面的研究,目前已在国际期刊上发表论文超过750篇,h指数为105,引用量达39000余次。2014至2017年,他连续四年被评为汤姆森路透全球高被引科学家,荣获过多项国际奖励,2016年获得IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society期刊颁发的Andrew Sage Best Transactions Paper奖。

Peng Shi教授曾担任IEEE南澳大利亚地区,航空、航天和电子系统控制分会主席,现为IEEE Distinguished Lecturer,澳大利亚研究基金会会评专家。他曾为20余个国际期刊担任主编、副主编,包括Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems; IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems; IEEE Access; IEEE Control Systems Letters; Information Sciences; Signal Processing等。

网页发布时间: 2017-11-08