报告题目: 南非两院院士、比勒陀利亚大学夏小华教授报告
地点: 实验十五楼207
时间: 7月13日周四上午10:00-11:30
报告题目: An Activity Report of CNES - the Centre of New Energy Systems at the University of Pretoria
报告摘要:This is a general report about the activities happened over the past 10 years at the Centre of New Energy Systems (CNES), University of Pretoria. CNES is a centre of excellence with a focus of energy efficiency research, service and development. It is the host of the South African National Hub for the Postgraduate Programme in Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management. This talk starts with a review of the organisational structure of CNES, and a brief introduction of the fundamental approach of CNES to energy efficiency in terms of performance, operation, equipment and technology (POET), and a high level demonstration of how the three pillars of activities in research, business and development are organised around POET. The talk then goes into some details in each of the three pillars. On research, the talk will take it through the basic concepts, the tools and techniques, and the research topics of energy systems and optimisation as well as its alignment with a control system approach, with a particular thrust of activities on model predictive control (MPC) applications to operational energy efficiency. On the business front, the talk will introduce the market, policies, stardards, regulations, training and professional developments surrounding an emerging commercial opportunity in measurement and verification (M&V) of energy efficency improvement. Experiences and lessens in the South African context are shared in creating the correct business model and cultivating a sound technical profession agaist ISO 17020. The talk then moves on to some snapshots on the on-going and future product development platforms based on data capturing, communication, cloud computing and end users' gadgets in service to our industrial and building energy sectors.
报告人简介: 现任南非比勒陀利亚大学工程、建筑环境和信息技术学院,电气、电子和计算机系终身教授,新能源系统中心主任,国家节能减排研究基地主任。所在的学院是南非最大的工学院,全球工程排名前1%,每年毕业的工程师数超过全南非毕业工程师总数的1/4。多年来,一直从事控制系统中非线性观测器的理论和设计、非线性和复杂控制理论方面的研究,并成功地将所研究的理论成果应用于生物医学、工业过程应用与优化,能源系统优化与节能减排技术等方面。夏小华建立和领导的南非国家节能减排研究基地是一个跨学科、跨专业的研究中心,每年所发表的论文数超过全南非在能源领域发表论文总数的1/2。