Multi-model Predictive Control: Controller formulation and Application to Medical Oxygen Concentrators

报告题目: Multi-model Predictive Control: Controller formulation and Application to Medical Oxygen Concentrators

报告人: 美国里海大学Mayuresh V. Kothare教授

Chairman Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

时间: 2017年6月13日(周二)14:00-16:00



A Multi-Model Predictive Control (M-MPC) algorithm is developed for a novel Rapid Pressure Swing Adsorption (RSPSA) oxygen concentrator system. The RPSA uses a zeolite material to purify oxygen from ambient feed air, and is designed to produce 90% oxygen for medicinal therapies. In previous work, a standard linear MPC algorithm was implemented on the RPSA which rejects disturbances and improves set point tracking in the 90% operating range, but a RPSA can produce a wide range of oxygen purities. The single linear model MPC algorithm is unable to provide the ability to transition the purity between vastly different values. The M-MPC algorithm uses a collection of linear models each of which corresponds to a different oxygen purity range. The linear models are identified around different operating points, and use Pseudo-Random Binary Signal (PRBS) simulation data in the identification process. With this improved control algorithm, the RPSA can produce a range of oxygen purities, and reject typical RPSA process disturbances. M-MPC switching rules, operating region boundary considerations and set point tracking cases are presented and discussed. General concepts on M-MPC will be presented and ideas on stability analysis will be discussed.


Dr. M. V. Kothare教授是美国里海大学的化学与生物工程系主任,R. L. McCann荣誉教授约翰斯霍普金斯医学院担任生物医学工程客座教授。1991年获得印度理工学院化学工程学士,分别在1995年和1997年获得加州理工大学化学工程硕士/博士学位。作为美孚石油公司博士后的他还是纽约城市大学、普渡大学、苏黎世联邦理工大学客座教授。Kothare教授的研究兴趣跨多个学科领域:约束的最优预测控制理论、鲁棒性分析问题,MEMS和微化学系统,控制系统,嵌入式生物医学系统的控制,神经工程和闭环神经假体系统。

网页发布时间: 2017-06-07