男,1981年出生,工学博士。教授、博士生导师。在脑-机接口范式设计和系统优化与应用等方面进行了长期的研究工作,相关研究成果已在Journal of Neural Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering自动化学报等上发表论文80余篇,其中SCI期刊论文 40篇,ESI高被引论文6篇,5篇论文被SCI期刊选为“most cited paper”, 学术谷歌引用1800余次,H指数27,2014-2017年连续四年入选中国高被引学者榜。担任Journal of Neural Engineering,Proceedings of the IEEE等20多个SCI期刊的特邀审稿人,被评为Journal of Neural Engineering和 Biological Psychology等4个SCI期刊的杰出审稿人,被选为英国物理学会(IOP)“年度评审人”,至今中国入选2人。
所属部门: 自动化系
办公电话: 021-64253581
公地址: 研究生楼1105A
Email: jinjing@ecust.edu.cn
国际期刊Brain Computer Interfaces副编;国际期刊Signals 副编;SCI期刊Journal of Neuroscience Methods 编委;
IEEE Technical Committee on Neuro-Robotics systems 委员;
IEEE Senior Member.
[1].Jing Jin*, Brendan Z Allison, Eric W Sellers, Clemens Brunner, Petar Horki, Xingyu Wang, Christa Neuper. Adaptive P300 based control system. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2011; 8(3):036006. (IF:3.493) SCI (SCI EI)
[2].Jing Jin*, Ian Daly, Yu Zhang, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. An optimized ERP brain–computer interface based on facial expression changes. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2014; 11(3): 036004. (IF:3.493) SCI (SCI EI)
[3].Jing Jin*, Eric W Sellers, Sijie Zhou, Yu Zhang, Xingyu, Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. A P300 brain computer interface based on a modification of the mismatch negative paradigm. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2015; 25(3): 150011 (IF:6.085) SCI, (SCI EI)
[4].Jing Jin*, Brendan Z Allison, Yu Zhang, Xingyu, Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. An ERP-based BCI using an oddball paradigm with different faces and reduced errors in critical functions. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2014; 24(8): 1450027 (IF: 6.085) SCI(SCI EI)
[5].Jing Jin*, Brendan Z Allison, Tobias Kaufmann, Andrea Kübler, Yu Zhang, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. The changing face of P300 BCIs: A comparison of stimulus changes in a P300 BCI involving faces, emotion, and movement. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7(11):e49688. (IF:3.057) SCI
[6].Jing Jin*, Eric W Sellers, Xingyu Wang. Targeting an Efficient Target-to-Target Interval for P300 Speller Brain-Computer Interfaces. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2012; 50(3), 289-296. (IF:1.797) SCI (SCI, EI)
[7].Jing Jin*, Brendan Z Allison, Eric W Sellers, Clemens Brunner, Petar Horki, Xingyu Wang, Christa Neuper. Optimized stimulus presentation patterns for an event-related potential EEG-based brain computer interface. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2011; 49(2): 181-191. (IF: 1.797) SCI (SCI, EI)
[8].Jing Jin*, Eric W Sellers, Yu Zhang, Ian Daly, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. Whether generic model works for rapid ERP-based BCI calibration. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2013; 212(1): 94-99. (IF:2.053) SCI
[9].Jing Jin*, Brendan Z Allison, Xingyu Wang, Christa Neuper. A combined brain computer interface based on P300 potentials and motion-onset visual evoked potentials. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2012; 205(2): 265-276. (IF:2.053) SCI
[10].Jing Jin*, Brendan Z Allison, Clemens Brunner, Bei Wang, Xingyu Wang, Jiahua Zhang, Neuper Christa, Gert Pfurtscheller. P300 Chinese input system based on Bayesian LDA. Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik. 2010; 55(1): 5-18. (IF:1.650)(SCI, EI)
[11].Jing Jin*, Petar Horki, Clemens Brunner, Xingyu Wang, Christa Neuper, Gert Pfurtscheller. A new P300 stimulus presentation pattern for EEG-based spelling systems. Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik. 2010; 55(4): 203-210. (IF:1.650) SCI (SCI, EI)
[12].Long Chen, Jing Jin*(通讯作者), Yu Zhang, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, A survey of the dummy face and human face stimuli used in BCI paradigm. Journal of Neuroscience methods, 2015; 239:18-27. (SCI,IF:2.053)
[13].Mingjue Wang, Ian Daly, Brendan Z Allison, Jing Jin*(通讯作者), Yu Zhang, Lanlan Chen,Xingyu Wang,A new hybrid BCI paradigm based on P300 and SSVEP, Journal of Neuroscience methods, 2015; 244:16-25 (SCI,IF:2.053)
[14]. Long Chen,Jing Jin*(通讯作者),Ian Daly,Yu Zhang, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki,Exploring Combinations of Different Color and Facial Expression Stimuli for Gaze-Independent BCIs, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience,2016,dx.doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2016.00005(SCI,IF:2.653) (SCI, EI)
[15].Minqiang Huang, Ian Daly, Jing Jin*(通讯作者), Yu Zhang, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, An exploration of spatial auditory BCI paradigms with different sounds: music notes versus beeps,Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11571-016-9377-1(SCI,IF:2.195)
[16].Zhao Yang Qiu, Jing Jin*(通讯作者), Hak-Keung Lam, Yu Zhang, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, Improved SFFS method for channel selection in motor imagery based BCI. Neurocomputing, 2016. 27(26): 519–527(SCI, EI) (SCI,IF:2.392)
[17].Yu zhang, Yu Wang, Jing Jin*(通讯作者), Xingyu Wang. Sparse bayesian learning for obtaining sparsity of EEG frequency bands based feature vectors in motor imagery classificarion, 2016,International Journal of Neural systems, 2016:1650032(IF:6.085)(SCI, EI)
[18].Sijie Zhou, Jing Jin*(通讯作者), Ian Daly, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. Optimizing the face Paradigm of BCI system by modified Mismatch Negative paradigm,Frontiers in Neuroscience,2016, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00444(IF:3.398) (SCI)
[19].Sijie Zhou, Brendan Z Allison, Andrea Kübler, Andrzej Cichocki, Wang Xingyu and Jing Jin*,Effects of background music on objective and subjective performance measures in an auditory BCI,Front. Comput. Neurosci. 2016,| doi: 10.3389/fncom.2016.00105 (IF:2.653) (SCI)[20].YuZhang, Guoxu Zhou, Jing Jin, Qibin Zhao, Xingyu Wang, and AndrzejCichocki,Sparse Bayesian Classification of EEG for Brain-Computer Interface.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2015 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print] (IF:4.864)(SCI, EI)
[21].Yu Zhang, Guoxu Zhou,Jing Jin, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, Optimizing spatial patterns with sparse filter bands for motor-imagery based brain–computer interface. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2015; 255: 85-91.(SCI,IF:2.053)
[22].Yu Zhang, Jing Jin, Xiangyun Qing, Bei Wang, Xingyu Wang. LASSO based stimulus frequency recognition model for SSVEP BCIs. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2012; 7(2): 104-111. (IF:1.521)(SCI, EI)
[23].Yu Zhang, Guo Zhou, Jing Jin, Mingjue. Wang, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. L1-regularized multiway canonical correlation analysis for SSVEPbased BCI. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2013; 21(6), 887-896. (IF:2.583)(SCI, EI)
[24].Yu Zhang, Guoxu Zhou, Jing Jin, Qibin Zhao,Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, Aggregation of sparse linear discriminant analyses for event-related potential classification in brain-computer interface. International Journal of Neural Systems. 2014; 24(1), 1450003. (IF:6.085)(SCI, EI)
[25].Yu Zhang, Guoxu Zhou, Jing Jin, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, Frequency recognition in SSVEP-based BCI using multiset canonical correlation analysis. International Journal of Neural Systems. 2014; 24(4): 1450013. (IF:6.085).(SCI, EI)
[26].Yu Zhang, Qibin Zhao, Jin Jing, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki. A novel BCI based on ERP components sensitive to configural processing of human faces. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2012; 9(2): 026018. (IF:3.493)(SCI, EI)
[27].Yu Zhang, Guoxu Zhou, Qibin Zhao, Jing Jin, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, Spatial-temporal discriminant analysis for ERP-based brain-computer interface, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2013; 21(2):233-43. (IF:2.583)(SCI, EI)
[28].Yu Zhang, Guoxu Zhou, Jing Jin, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, SSVEP recognition using common feature analysis in brain-computer interface. Journal of Neuroscience Method. 2015; 244::8-15 (IF:2.025)
[29].Haiqiang Wang,Yu Zhang, Nicholas R. Waytowich, Dean J. Krusienski, Guoxu Zhou, Jing Jin, Xingyu Wang, Andrzej Cichocki, Discriminative Feature Extraction via Multivariate Linear Regression for SSVEP-based BCI, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2519350(IF:2.583) (SCI, EI)