地点: 实验十五楼207室
时间: 4月22日周五下午15:00-16:10
报告题目: Filtering and Control of Hybrid Systems
报告摘要: In practice, a lot of systems involve a coupling between continuous dynamics and discrete events. Systems in which these two kinds of dynamics coexist interact are usually called hybrid. Hybrid systems constitute a very active area of research and are important in many real-world problems. Markov jump systems and sampled-data control systems are two kinds of important hybrid systems. The problem of asynchronous filtering is studied for Markov jump systems. Two sufficient conditions are given such that the resultant filtering error system, which is a kind of nonhomogeneous Markov jump system, is stochastically stable with a guaranteed performance index. Then the existence criterion of the desired asynchronous filter with piecewise homogeneous Markov chain is proposed. The problem of sampled-data control for master-slave synchronization schemes that consist of identical chaotic systems is studied. In order to take full advantage of the available information about the actual sampling pattern, a novel Lyapunov functional is proposed, which is positive definite at sampling times but not necessarily positive definite inside the sampling intervals. Based on the Lyapunov functional, an exponential synchronization criterion is derived by analyzing the corresponding synchronization error systems.
报告人简介: 吴争光,浙江大学研究员、博士生导师;主要研究领域为混杂系统的控制理论及其在网络化系统的应用。在Springer出版社出版英文专著3部,发表SCI收录论文多篇,其中19篇(长文16篇)发表在IEEE Transactions系列汇刊和Automatica上。于2013年和2014年连续两年被Elsevier选为中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)。目前担任国际期刊IEEE Access和Neurocomputing的Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member和美国《数学评论》评论员。曾获得浙江省2011年优秀博士学位论文奖、教育部2015年度自然科学一等奖 、2016年浙江省杰出青年科学基金项目,并于2015年入选浙江大学“百人计划”。