报告人:德国倍福(BeckHoff)自动化有限公司Frank Schiller教授
Title: Automatic Generation of Diverse Software Channels by Means of Arithmetic Codes
Abstract: The importance of safety in the automation industry is continuously increasing. Normative requirements result in considerably more effort at both the hardware and software level in order to fulfill functional and safety requirements. Advances of purely functional components cannot be applied easily because of the hardware dependent certification process. This limits the flexibility of hardware and user application. A new concept is needed in this area to overcome these challenges. This lecture introduces a new methodology that uses arithmetic codes to detect hardware errors through software measures, thereby introducing hardware independence, so that the certification process no longer limits the hardware design.
Furthermore, a concept is presented to provide a high-level language like C for safety user applications and to automatically incorporate the safety measures into the user application, thus providing high flexibility for the application program.
Title: Requirements to the Combination of Functional Safety and IT-Security in Automation
Abstract: With the growing risk of attackers aiming at automation systems, security became an important issue in safety critical applications. Safety measures and security measures apply different algorithms to achieve different goals, and their interaction may lead to mutual interference. In the lecture, a combined architecture of safety and security is presented, which employs security algorithms that preserve the validity of safety error models while security goals are achieved without restrictions. The interaction between the selected techniques is analyzed with respect to safety criteria and security criteria as well as efficiency. As solution to fail-safe and secure communication is taken as an example.
Frank Schiller 博士是德国慕尼黑工业大学的教授,在自动化技术的安全领域工作多年。Schiller 博士一直致力于安全技术领域的研发工作,在开发出先进的针对安全相关的通讯和基于软件的安全逻辑方案方面做出了巨大贡献。Schiller 博士于 1987 至 1992 年就读于德国德累斯顿工业大学读电气工程专业,随后,他又从德国汉堡工业大学取得博士学位。博士毕业后,他转向工业领域,开始从事诊断、安全技术及软件开发等课题的研究。在这期间,他积极投身于 PROFIsafe 安全技术和故障-安全控制技术的开发和认证工作中。2004 年 12 月,他接受了德国慕尼黑工业大学机械工程学院的自动化技术教授职位。