Ma Tieju 2

Ma Tieju

Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

National High-Level Talent

New Century Excellent Talent of the Ministry of Education

Shanghai Leading Talents

Ma Tieju, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, National High-level Talent. He is currently the Deputy Dean of the School of Business, the Director of the Institute of Energy Economics and Environmental Management.

Department: Management Science and Engineering, School of Business

Address: 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai


Research Interests:

Technological innovation management

Energy system analysis


Technical Innovation and Management, undergraduate course

Technological Systems Evolution, Management Science and Frontiers (Part), graduate course


  1. Chunjie Chi, Tieju Ma*, Bing Zhu. Towards a low-carbon economy: Coping with technologicalbifurcations with acarbon tax. Energy Economics.34, pp. 2081–2088, 2012.

  2. Tieju Ma and Chunjie Chi. Spatial configuration and technology strategy of China’s green coal-electricity system. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 4, 031806 (2012).

  3. Tieju Ma. Coping with Uncertainties in Technological Learning, Management Science, 56(1), pp.192-201, 2010.

  4. Tieju Ma, Arnulf Grubler, and Yoshiteru Nakamori. Modeling technology adoptions for sustainable development under increasing returns, uncertainty, and heterogeneous agents, European Journal of Operational Research, 195, pp.296–306, 2009.

  5. Tieju Ma and Yoshiteru Nakamori. Modeling technological change in energy systems - From optimization to agent-based modeling. Energy, 34(7), pp. 873-879, 2009.

  6. Tieju Ma, Yoshiteru Nakamori, and W. Huang. An agent-based approach for predictions based on multi-dimensional complex data, Information Sciences, 176, pp.1156-1174, 2006.

  7. Tieju Ma, Shu Liu, Yoshiteru Nakamori. Roadmapping as a way of knowledge management for supporting scientific research in academia, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Wiley, Vol.23, No. 6, pp.743-755, 2006.

  8. Tieju Ma and Yoshiteru Nakamori, Agent-based modeling on technological innovation as an evolutionary process, European Journal of Operational Research, 166, pp.741-755, 2005.

  9. Hongbin Yan*, Van Nam Huynh, Tieju Ma, and Yoshiteru Nakamori. Non-additive multi-attribute fuzzy target-oriented decision analysis. Information Sciences, 240: 21-44, 2013.

  10. Hongbin. Yan*, Tieju Ma, and Yashuai Li. A novel fuzzy linguistic model for prioritising engineering design requirements in quality function deployment under uncertainties. International Journal of Production Research, 51 (21): pp. 6336-6355, 2013.

  11. Tieju Ma*, Ya Zhu, Peipei Liu and Chunjie Chi. A simulation method to generate commute trips-- for agent-based modeling on co-diffusion of alternative fuel vehicles and their filling stations. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 90(5):560-569, 2014.

  12. Tieju Ma*, Jiangjiang Zhao, Shijian Xiang, Ya Zhu, Peipei Liu. An agent-based training system for optimizing the layout of AFVs' initial filling stations. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 17 (4) 6, 2014.

  13. Hongbin Yan*, Tieju Ma, and Van Nam Huynh. Coping with group behaviors in uncertain quality function deployment. Decision Sciences, 45 (6): pp. 1025–1052, 2014.

  14. Chenhua Yi, Tieju Ma*. Technology adoption with limited foresight and uncertain technological learning. European Journal of Operational Research. 239:266-275, 2014.

  15. Hongbin Yan*, Tieju Ma. A group decision-making approach to uncertain quality function deployment based on fuzzy preference relation and fuzzy majority. European Journal of Operational Research, 241 (3): pp. 815-829, 2015.

网页发布时间: 2022-07-21