| He Wangli Winner of the National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation Winner of the Sixth Young Scientist Award of Chinese Association of Automation Recipient of the first prize of Shanghai Natural Science Award Winner of Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology Winner of Shanghai Rising-Star Program |
Wangli He received the B.Sc. degree in information and computing science and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2005 and 2010, respectively. From 2010 to 2017, she held several visiting positions with Central Queensland University, The University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Potsdam Institute for Climate Research Institute, and Tokyo Metropolitan University. She is currently theDeputy Dean of the School of Information Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology. Her current research interests include distributed coordination control and optimization, networked multi-agent systems, autonomous intelligent unmanned systems and industrial cyber-physical systems. Machine learning and Industry intelligence
Dr. He was a recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation in 2019 and The Sixth Young Scientist Award of Chinese Association of Automation in 2020. She was also a recipient of the first prize of Shanghai Natural Science Award in 2019. She was the Chair of the Technical Committee on Networked-based Control Systems and Applications of IES from 2018 to 2019. She is an Associate Editor of several international journals including the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems and the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics.
Dr. He servers as project principals for more than 10 national and provincial projects, including 3 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development Program of China, and Shanghai Rising-Star Program. She has published more than 90 fully-referred journal articles and fully-referred conference papers including Automatica and he most prestigious IEEE Transactions.
Department: Department of Automation, School of Information Science and Engineering
Address: No. 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai
Work Phone: 021-64252755
E-mail: wanglihe@ecust.edu.cn
Research Interests:
Distributed coordination control and optimization, Networked multi-agent systems, Autonomous intelligent unmanned systems, Industrial cyber-physical systems, Machine learning and Industry intelligence
Professional Services:
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics
Deputy Secretary, Women Scientists Association of Chinese Association of Automation
Visiting Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2015-2017
Distributed Cooperative Control and Optimization, Graduate course
Nonlinear control, Graduate course
Optimization Method, Undergraduate course
Signals and Systems, Undergraduate course
Research Program:
Jan. 2020 to Dec. 2022, National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars, Modeling, Cooperative Analysis and Control of Networked Systems
Dec. 2019 to Dec. 2022, National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant, Decision Making and Optimization of “Human-Machine-Thing” Ternary Cooperation in Complex Manufacturing Environment
Jan. 2018 to Dec. 2021, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Coordinated Functioning and Security Control of Networks of Heterogeneous Networks
Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2016, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Modeling, Collective Analysis and Control of Multi-layer dynamic Networks
Publications (Representative Works):
Wangli He*, Wenying Xu, Xiaohua Ge, Qing-Long Han, Wenli Du, Feng Qian. Secure control of multi-agent systems against malicious attacks: a brief survey. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(6): 3595-3608.
Wangli He*, Feng Qian*, Qing-Long Han, Guanrong Chen. Almost sure stability of nonlinear systems under random and impulsive sequential attacks. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2020, 65(9): 3879-3886.
Wenying Xu, Wangli He*, Daniel W. C. Ho and Jürgen Kurths. Fully Distributed Observer-Based Consensus Protocol: Adaptive Dynamic Event-Triggered Schemes, Automatica, 139: 110188.
Wangli He*, Tinghui Luo, Yang Tang, Wenli Du, Yu-Chu Tian and Feng Qian. Secure communication based on quantized synchronization of chaotic neural networks under an event-triggered strategy. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020, 31(9): 3334 -3345.
Wangli He*, Bin Xu, Qing-Long Han, Feng Qian. Adaptive consensus control of linear multi-agent systems with dynamic event-triggered strategies. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, 50(7): 2996-3008.
Wangli He*, Zekun Mo. Secure Event-Triggered Consensus Control of Linear Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Sequential Scaling Attacks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021, DOI 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3070356
Kun Liang, Wangli He*, Jing Xu, and Feng Qian. Impulsive effects on synchronization of singularly perturbed complex networks with semi-Markov jump topologies. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, doi:10.1109/TSMC.2021.3062378.
Wangli He*, Zekun Mo, Qing-Long Han, Feng Qian. Secure impulsive synchronization in Lipschitz-type multi-agent systems subject to deception attacks, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2020, 7(5): 1326 -1334.
Wangli He*, Biao Zhang, Qing-Long Han. Feng Qian, Jürgen Kurths, Jinde Cao. Leader-following consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with stochastic sampling. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2017, 47(2): 327-338
Wangli He*, Xiaoyang Gao, Weimin Zhong, Feng Qian. Secure impulsive synchronization control of multi-agent systems under deception attacks. Information Sciences, 2018, 459: 354-368