| Lu Jingyi Winner of the National High-level Young Scholar Shanghai High-Level Talent |
Lu Jingyi, Doctoral Supervisor. She was selected for the National High-level Oversea Young Scholar Program and Shanghai High-level Talent Program. She received her undergraduate degree in automation from Zhejiang University in 2011 and Ph.D. Degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2016. After that, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Paderborn University, Germany. She joined the Department of Automation at the East China University of Science and Technology in 2021.
Dr. Lu’s research is in the data-driven modeling, control, and optimization of industrial processes and networked systems where conventional control theories are merged with novel online learning algorithms. Up to now, she has published over 30 papers in top journals including Automatica, IEEE TAC, IEEE TIE, and IEEE TSMC.
Department: Department of Automation, School of Information Science and Engineering
Address: 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai
E-mail: jylu_cise@ecust.edu.cn
Research Interests:
Process Control and Optimization, Learning-based Control, Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Optimization, undergraduate course
Academic Writing, graduate course
Jingyi Lu*, Daniel E. Quevedo.A Jointly Optimal Design of Control and Scheduling in Networked Systems under Denial-of-Service Attacks. Automatica. 2022, Early Access.
Marvin Lucke, Jingyi Lu*, Daniel E. Quevedo. Coding for secrecy in remote state estimation with an adversary. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2022, Early Access.
Jingyi Lu*, Daniel E. Quevedo, Vijay Gupta, Subhrakanti Dey. Stealthy hacking and secrecy of controlled state estimation systems with random dropouts. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2022, Early Access.
Jingyi Lu, Zhixing Cao*, Qinran Hu, Zuhua Xu, Wenli Du*, and Furong Gao. Optimal Iterative Learning Control for Batch Processes in the Presence of Time-Varying Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 2022, 52(1):680-692
Kaihua Gao, Jingyi Lu*, Zuhua Xu, and Furong Gao*. Control-Oriented Two-Dimensional Online System Identification for Batch Processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2021, 60(20): 7656-7666
Xiaopeng Tang, Kailong Liu, Jingyi Lu*, Boyang Liu, Xin Wang, and Furong Gao*. Battery incremental capacity curve extraction by a two-dimensional Luenberger–Gaussian-moving-average filter. Applied Energy 2020,280: 115895.
Jingyi Lu*, Alex S. Leong, and Daniel E. Quevedo. Optimal event‐triggered transmission scheduling for privacy‐preserving wireless state estimation. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2020, 30(11): 4205-4224.
Jingyi Lu, Zhixing Cao*, Chunhui Zhao, and Furong Gao*. 110th anniversary: An overview on learning-based model predictive control for batch processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019, 58(37): 17164-17173.
Jingyi Lu, Zhixing Cao*, and Furong Gao*. Multipoint iterative learning model predictive control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2019, 66(8): 6230-6240.
Jingyi Lu, Zhixing Cao*, Ridong Zhang, and Furong Gao*. Nonlinear monotonically convergent iterative learning control for batch processes. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2018, 65(7) : 5826-5836.