在化工系统工程、聚合物过程工程和产品工程领域开展复杂化工过程建模和优化、烯烃聚合反应工程的基础与应用研究。先后承担中国博士后科学基金(面上一等资助)、上海市自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金)等项目,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技支撑计划等多项课题的研究工作;发表论文30多篇,包括在AIChE Journal、Chemical Engineering Science、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research化工三大期刊发表论文8篇;申请国家发明专利5项,授权1项;登记软件著作权2项;多次在相关领域的重要国际学术会议上做邀请报告。
所属部门: 自动化系
办公电话: 021-64251250-808
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Email: tianzhou@ecust.edu.cn
[1].Yu Che, Zhou Tian*, Zhen Liu, Rui Zhang, Yu-Xin Gao, En-Guang Zou, Si-Han Wang, Bo-Ping Liu, An Insight into the Temperature Field and Particle Flow Patterns in a Fluidized Bed Reactor for Nonpelletizing Polyethylene Process Using a 3D CFD-PBM Model, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(30), 8258-8270.
[2].Zhou Tian, Ke-Ran Chen, Bo-Ping Liu, Na Luo, Wen-Li Du, Feng Qian, Short-chain branching distribution oriented model development for Borstar bimodal polyethylene process and its correlation with product performance of slow crack growth, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 130, 41-55.
[3].Yu Che, Zhou Tian*, Zhen Liu, Rui Zhang, Yu-Xin Gao, En-Guang Zou, Si-Han Wang, Bo-Ping Liu*, A CFD-PBM model considering ethylene polymerization for the flow behaviors and particle size distribution of polyethylene in a pilot-plant fluidized bed reactor, Powder Technology, 2015, 286, 107-123.
[4].Yu Che, Zhou Tian*, Zhen Liu, Rui Zhang, Yu-Xin Gao, En-Guang Zou, Si-Han Wang, Bo-Ping Liu*, CFD Prediction of Scale-up Effect on the Hydrodynamic Behaviors of a Pilot-Plant Fluidized Bed Reactor and Preliminary Exploration of Its Application for Non-Pelletizing Polyethylene Process, Powder Technology, 2015, 278, 94-110.
[5].Ke-Ran Chen, Zhou Tian*, Na Luo, Bo-Ping Liu*, Modeling and Simulation of Borstar Bimodal Polyethylene Process Based on a Rigorous PC-SAFT Equation of State Model, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(51), 19905-19915.
[6].Zhou Tian, Lian-Fang Feng, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Guo-Hua Hu, Ethylene-propylene segmented copolymer as an in situ compatibilizer for impact polypropylene copolymer: an assessment of rheology and morphology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(5), 11345-11354.
[7].Zhou Tian, Xue-Ping Gu, Lian-Fang Feng, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Guo-Hua Hu, An atmosphere-switching polymerization process: a novel strategy to advanced polyolefin materials, AIChE Journal,2013, 59(12), 4468-4473.
[8].Zhou Tian, Xue-Ping Gu, Lian-Fang Feng, Guo-Hua Hu, A model for the structures of impact polypropylene copolymers produced by an atmosphere-switching polymerization process, Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 101, 686-698.
[9].Zhou Tian, Xue-Ping Gu, Gang-Liang Wu, Lian-Fang Feng, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Guo-Hua Hu, Effects of switching frequency of a periodic switching polymerization process on the microstructures of ethylene-propylene copolymers in polypropylene/poly(ethylene-co-propylene) in-reactor alloys, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(5), 2257-2270.
[10].Zhou Tian, Xue-Ping Gu, Lian-Fang Feng, Jean Pierre Corriou, Guo-Hua Hu, Modeling and simulation of polypropylene particle size distribution in industrial horizontal stirred bed reactors, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 125(4), 2668-2679.
[11].Zhou Tian, Xue-Ping Gu, Gang-Liang Wu, Lian-Fang Feng, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Guo-Hua Hu, Periodic switching of monomer additions for controlling the compositions and microstructures of segmented and random ethylene-propylene copolymers in polypropylene in-reactor alloys, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(10), 5992-5999.
[1].Zhou Tian, Yu Che, Bo-Ping Liu, Wen-Li Du, Feng Qian, Two and Three Dimensional CFD Modeling of a Fluidized-Bed Polyolefin Reactor by Coupling of PBM and Polymerization Kinetics, The First International Workshop on Computational Particle Technology and Multiphase Processes, Suzhou, China, March 9-12, 2016, Invited talk.
[2].Zhou Tian, Na Luo, Ke-Ran Chen, Bo-Ping Liu, Feng Qian, From process conditions to polymer chain microstructure: modeling and analysis of an industrial catalytic ethylene polymerization reactors series, Asian Polyolefin Workshop & World Polyolefin Congress, Tokyo, Japan, November 23-27, 2015, Outstanding poster awards (10/120).
[3].Zhou Tian, Ke-Ran Chen, Bo-Ping Liu, Wen-Li Du, Feng Qian, An integrated model for industrial catalytic ethylene polymerization reactors:From process conditions across polymer chain microstructure to end-use properties, The 8th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai, China, October 12-16, 2015, Invited talk.
[4].Zhou Tian, Na Luo, Feng Qian, Ke-Ran Chen, Bo-Ping Liu, A modeling approach for predicting polymer chain microstructure and slow crack growth performance of bimodal polyethylene produced in industrial cascade polymerization processes, International Workshop on catalytic olefin polymerization and high performance polyolefins, Shanghai, China, October 22-25, 2014, Invited talk.